:::Thinking about my first free deal using coupons....:::
Then I was like.. ok if she can do this then I want to do it! So after youtubing "coupons" all day I found some great information. I also found Jenny at Southernsavers.com. There is where I started going everyday. Her videos on coupons were SO my speed. I started out by getting 4 papers every Sunday. From my first Sunday papers I got (4)$4 off air wick imotion starter kits and there was a sale at Walgreens 50% off airwick imotion starter kits. The sale made them made them $4 each. So I went and bought 4 for free after coupons were scanned!!! I was hooked- and my house smelled awesome!! I have saved hundreds of dollars a month since I started and am getting to where i can skip a week of deals if I want to.
Jenny at Southernsavers.com puts all the deals together for you! I just read, make my list, clip my coupons and go shop. I spend about 2 hours a week preping for my grocery deals and drugstore deals. We treat it like an income.
Now there are tons of coupon matching blogs out there. I have 2 or 3 now that I HAVE to check daily.
These work for me personally for my area. If you would like to tell me your grocery store I can recommend you a good site if these don't cover it.
Also I can help with any questions. I know it can seem overwhelming when just getting started.