Hey everyone! As you know our family has grown alot these past 2 years. With Philip working 44 hours a week already I have been trying to think of a way I can make some extra money and still stay home with the babies and home school. SO I started couponing! It is amazing! I never knew coupons were cash! But this is not actually what I'm sharing about today. There is a business called MPBtoday. MPB stands for My Premier Business. MPB Today is the national marketing affiliate for a grocery home delivery company located in Pensacola,FL called Southeastern Delivery. So first! I went and joined practically free. I paid my $210 and just received my $200 gift card for Walmart. $10 was for my own website. The Walmart gift card is an alternative to ordering the groceries online since I'm not in Pensacola and would have to pay a small shipping fee. AND I will probably spend it on Christmas gifts anyways. You could use it on gas also. Anyways, now that I am in the business I can continue to make money when anyone else wants to join. So I've lost nothing and I get to have a business! Here is my website link that will explain the details of their compensation plan. Explore it and then if you want your own business click on 'join as an affiliate' and get started.