I chose "4" as our number of papers to get every sunday. This amount has worked out perfect so far. You want to get multiple coupons because you never know what coupon will match up with a good sale. when you find something that works out for free you want to stock up. Four of something will usually hold us over for 6-8weeks.
Keep in mind EVERYTHING will go on sale and everything is it's lowest price about every 6-8 weeks. I already notice cycles at my stores. It's crazy to me to think how Philip and I used to just go and throw nice looking things in our carts. Then pay. grrrrr to that!
Another reason you may need multiples of a coupon is to qualify for promotions stores have. Like $4 off when you buy 4... OH or this week at CVS when you buy $25 worth of Wisk laundry detergent you get $10 back in store bucks.
So I'm going to buy 5 wisk at $5each, and get $10 back. But wait I have 5 $2off coupons to use on each one. So that makes my total $1 each detergent!!!
BTW I bought those coupons on ebay-20 for $2!! i do that for a really good deal!
4 works for us.